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To select the most suitable students for International Campus, we will carefully examine the profiles and supported documents of each applicant, with reference to the growth environment of the student, oral and written abilities, scores of Zhongkao and additional exams, as well as his/her personal qualities. Besides, we will also consider the academic interests and achievements mentioned in their personal statements.
Xi'an Middle School International Curriculum has high expectations for prospective students, including excellent academic achievements and outstanding leadership competencies. Students ranked top 30%-40% in Zhongkao are eligible to apply. We recognize that students have different talents, and their growth environment and opportunities vary widely. However, we expect students to show strong interests and great potential in languages, mathematics, science, arts and sports.
Good academic performance will to some extent demonstrate their solid foundation for future study. At International Campus, excellent students always pursue new knowledge and are never satisfied with current achievements. We also seek for students who are interested in this world, other ethnic groups and cultures. They will be able to examine questions from an international perspective and will experience different cultures through studying abroad. We welcome students with strong intellectual curiosity, and these students will learn to criticize and innovate through the project-based research under the guidance of teachers.
We look for students with following characteristics that will contribute to the culture diversity of the school:
Who has strong leadership and team work ability, creative and critical thinking ability, good communication skills, and willingness to service the community;
Who will actively participate in class activities and contribute to the class teaching greatly;
Who can promote class discussion and facilitate deeper thinking of teachers and students;
Who can get involved into campus life very well and participated in different student clubs;
Who is willing to take part in student union and connect with other people……
To select the most suitable students for this curriculum, our school will evaluate students comprehensively, through rigor exams and interviews.
- Students need to take additional English test at International Campus.
- Student need to be interviewed by foreign teacher in English, and achieve medium level or above oral proficiency.
- Students also need to attend a comprehensive interview, conducted by foreign and Chinese teachers as well as the management team, and the interview includes group discussion.